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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Decking the Halls and Such

'Tis the season! Actually, it's been the season for a few weeks now. As early as November 1st I've been seeing Christmas lights, hearing Christmas music, and tasting Starbucks peppermint mochas. Even then, I found myself screaming "too soon!" like someone who just heard an awful Steve Irwin joke. Now, it's feeling more official. Fa la la la la, and so on.

The Charlie Brown Christmas special aired this week, the tree at Rockefeller Center is illuminated, and shoppers have once again busied themselves in purchasing the same crap that we'll all be bored with by New Year's.

I saw all of this Christmas clamor first-hand on a recent trip to Toys R Us in Times Square on my lunch break. I had gone to purchase a Nintendo Wii, knowing that I'd kick myself if I missed out on getting it (even though software is scarce right now, but Super Mario Galaxy is just around the corner). Well, I didn't kick myself when they were sold out, but I did see some pretty entertaining shoppers, Christmas lists in hand, searching for the most elusive of items on their little ones' lists. Oddly enough, the scene was pretty heartwarming. Seeing these people take time out from their busy workday to ensure that their children would have their Christmas wishes fulfilled made me realize how much we all took the whole "Santa thing" for granted. Christmas doesn't just happen. It's hard work.

Despite not obtaining a Wii, I left Times Square with my faith in humanity restored for at least another day.

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