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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Taking Theaters by Force?

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed project leader Haden Blackman told the Los Angeles TimesHero Complex blog that a film adaptation of the multiplatform action game just might happen.

"Oh, that would be incredible," Blackman told the LA Times. "And it's not impossible. Never say never. George [Lucas] has looked to tell new Star Wars stories through the games and with the entire Star Wars Expanded Universe, and then he has also shown a willingness to let the characters come into the films.”

While this does not necessarily mean that a film version of the game is definite, Blackman’s—and apparently Lucas’—enthusiasm is promising. Most gamers will probably agree that the story of The Force Unleashed is its strongest suit. Despite some persistent gameplay issues, The Force Unleashed is a solid, solid Star Wars story that deserves the cinematic treatment. It's worth playing for that reason alone, and you'll get to electrocute some stormtroopers along the way.

We've seen time and time again that great things happen when other creators are given a chance to make their mark on the Star Wars universe. From the extraordinary Knights of the Old Republic role-playing game to the Dark Horse comic books to many of the novels, there's a variety of great Star Wars stories that would benefit from the big-screen treatment. Like the Batman franchise before it, perhaps what the Star Wars films need is some new blood and some fresh cinematic perspective. Lucas’ mythology is pretty vast. Let’s explore it.

As a lifelong Star Wars geek, Mr. Blackman, you have my blessing. Make this happen.

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