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Saturday, January 8, 2011

'Star Wars' Blasts onto Blu-Ray in September

At this year’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Lucasfilm and Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment announced that Star Wars: The Complete Saga on Blu-ray—the highly anticipated high-definition release of all six films—will hit store shelves this September. The seminal space opera is now available for pre-order with online retailers, including

Because Star Wars fans are a finicky lot, three distinct sets will be released. The premier collection is The Complete Saga, a nine-disc set that includes all of the films and more than 30 hours of special features that delve into the Lucasfilm archives and unearth never-before-seen alternate footage and deleted scenes. This set will retail for $139.99

This nine-disc collection is clearly the definitive Star Wars package (for now), but for all of you scruffy-looking nerf herders out there who scoff at the price tag, two three disc sets of each trilogy will also be available, which baffles me. I can understand purists just wanting the original trilogy, but does Lucasfilm honestly think Star Wars fans are going to buy the prequels by themselves? Really? There’s going to be enough prequel product lining store shelves this fall to choke a space slug.

In any event, the three-disc sets will run you $69.99 each. Oh, and those purists I mentioned earlier should probably note that the unaltered versions of the classic films will not be included in this release. Greedo’s trigger finger remains itchy (but his aim’s not so good).

To watch a video preview of the Star Wars films on Blu-ray, click here.

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