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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

South Park is Out of Internet!

Bravo to the South Park crew for yet another brilliant Season 12 episode. While the series has become known for taking timely stabs at pop culture and current events, this week's episode takes on a more evergreen topic: our over-reliance on technology.

Entitled "Over Logging," the episode poses the question—what would we all do without Internet access? In a fairly clever parody of John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath, Stan and his family head out west to Silicon Valley so they can log on, uniting Shelley with her iChat boyfriend and Randy with his precious Internet porn.

Favorite moments? Randy's visit to an Internet porn simulator, his encounter with a "ghost" which leaves him covered in "ectoplasm" heck, just about every scene that Randy is in is gold. Is there any wonder why he's slowly becoming a fan favorite? He's responsible for some of the series' best moments throughout the last few seasons.

But in all honesty, the thought of losing Internet access is a scary one for a lot of us, and this episode truly highlighted how helpless we all would be if we couldn't log on to the Web.

To watch "Over Logging" and other episodes in their entirety, visit South Park Studios.

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