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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Marvel EIC Says Captain America “Will Have Everyone on Their Feet Cheering”

Now that Chris Evans has been cast as Steve Rogers/Captain America, we can all finally start getting excited about The First Avenger: Captain America in a very real way. That excitement, it seems, is quite palpable in the Marvel offices. In a series of tweets earlier today, Marvel editor-in-chief Joe Quesada described the third day of a “super secret” trip to Los Angeles, during which he walked through the Captain America art department, saw the Captain America costume and met director Joe Johnston for the first time.

Quesada also seemed pretty stoked about a series of story meetings about “secret stuff.” Vague? Absolutely, but at least he admitted that he was giving his frothing-at-the-mouth fanboy followers absolutely nothing of substance. That didn’t stop us from geeking out and speculating.

“I suck, I know,” he wrote. “But think about how hard it is on my end to keep from bursting and telling you all the amazing stuff I’m seeing.”

He continued, “I soooo want to tell you about this thing that happens in the Cap movie that will have everyone on their feet cheering, but I can’t.”

Oh Quesada, you tease.

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