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Friday, April 3, 2009

Random Bloggery for April 3

Happy Friday! Last week, I unofficially launched a new regular feature on The Wort Report called Random Bloggery, which will serve as an informal update on all the stuff I’ve gotten my grubby little hands on over the past week. Since The Wort Report isn’t my full-time job and things like food, sleep and a social life aren’t always conducive to writing 600-word reviews of every movie I see or game I play, this will be an easy way for me to separate the “LOL WIN!” from the “OMG FAIL!”

On the gaming front, I’ve been thoroughly enjoying both MadWorld and Resident Evil 5, although I fear that the over-the-top bloodshed of the former may become tiring after a while. When I first fired it up on my Wii, I was amazed by the intuitive control scheme and the brutal stylized violence. However, by the time I decapitated my fifth zombie with a golf club, I found myself wishing this game had a bit more to it.

Resident Evil 5, while doing little to reinvent the franchise like its 2005 predecessor, is a quality action title that ties up a lot of the series’ loose ends. As of this writing, I’m very close to the end of the game yet I’m still unfortunately all-too-often grappling with its aging control scheme and frustrating inventory system. That said, Resident Evil 5 is intense, fun and sometimes even scary. I highly recommend it.

Speaking of things I highly recommend, you should really go see I Love You, Man. I caught it last weekend, and while I loathe the term “bromance” to describe a movie genre, the film is a really humorous take on male camaraderie. Stars Jason Segel and Paul Rudd—having displayed great on-screen chemistry in last year’s Forgetting Sarah Marshall—are really likeable characters here. I particularly liked how Rudd’s character is awkwardly incapable of coming up with nicknames for male friends. I plan on working “Jobin,” one of his many failed attempts, into at least one conversation this week. Be warned, Jobin. Oh, would you look at that. Mission accomplished! Y'see kids, just aim low. That way, you're always a winner!

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